All Artists

All Artists

Mary Adams

Mary Adams

Janet Ayliffe

Janet Ayliffe

Carol Bath

Carol Bath

Maude Bath

Maude Bath

Bev Bills

Bev Bills

Juliane Brandt

Juliane Brandt

Jane Burbidge

Jane Burbidge

Marion Dawson

Marion Dawson

Tim Shaw

Tim Shaw

Olivia Dryden

Olivia Dryden

Lynn Elzinga-Henry

Lynn Elzinga-Henry

Julie Frahm

Julie Frahm

Rosi Gates

Rosi Gates

Bella Head

Bella Head

Leanne Hamilton-Kinnear

Leanne Hamilton-Kinnear

Debby Haskard-Strauss

Debby Haskard-Strauss

Sally Heinrich

Sally Heinrich

Kathryn Hill

Kathryn Hill

Mark Jones

Mark Jones

Rita Kellaway

Rita Kellaway

Tana Lampard

Tana Lampard

Ida Maglai

Ida Maglai

Margaret Marsh

Margaret Marsh

Kate Mitris

Kate Mitris

Helen Moon

Helen Moon

Barbara Palmer

Barbara Palmer

Andrew Rendall

Andrew Rendall

Jane Sabey

Jane Sabey

Sandra Shaw

Sandra Shaw

James Stevens

James Stevens

Sandra Tredwell

Sandra Tredwell

Fiona Trueman

Fiona Trueman

Suzette Watkins

Suzette Watkins

Liz Wauchope

Liz Wauchope

Robyn Zerna-Russell

Robyn Zerna-Russell



There’s so much to look at, we suggest you come and browse. If you just can’t choose between the 2 or 3 (or more) items you simply have to have, why not take a moment to sit down and relax, and have lunch or coffee at one of the cafes just next to our gallery. And when you come back in, you’ll know exactly which work of art is right for you.

Come and find us in Gay's Arcade, inside Adelaide Arcade in Rundle Mall, Adeaide. We’d love to see you.